Saturday, 24 March 2012

More March flowers

                                          Wood anemone
                                          Wood Sorrel

Friday, 23 March 2012

What Slant?

A map of the wood in about 1950 shows  a  "Disused Slant", above the stream but is maddeningly unspecific about its exact location. I know that there is a battered and rusty Dram near the stream and a possible spoil heap nearby.

My 4th visit aimed to locate the Slant but there are no obvious places. Perhaps it would help if I knew what I was looking for! Found the Dram which is on the spit of land between the 2 streams, that run in opposite directions to each other. Adjacent to the Dram is a spoil heap which has black stone in it. From the Dram itself I pulled a large lump of very heavy black rock but is it coal or iron ore? The stream  runs through an orange coloured patch of ground so iron ore seems likely. I would have preferred it to be coal though to keep the home fires burning! Rosie likes it though!

Monday, 5 March 2012

Second look!

A second visit, with 3 friends. I still haven't been everywhere but it has more and more appeal. The woodland floor is covered with the fresh green leaves of bluebells. There are a few clumps of primroses alongside the access track. A bright yellow-green Golden Saxifrage grows alongside the damp woodland boundary with the neighbouring wood. Scarlet Elf Cups glow on the damp, mossy logs amongst the leaf litter.
                                                        Primrose - primula vulgaris
                                                  Opposite leaved Golden Saxifrage
Sarcoscypha coccinea - Red Elf cup

I'm anxiously awaiting leaf burst to identify the trees - at first sight they are a mix of oak, ash and beech, with hazel and holly at a lower level.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

At last!

Another item on my Wish List can be ticked off - I've bought a wood! 
Its about 10 miles from my house, not too big at 3 acres and has all the attributes I've been looking for - private access, off road parking, a stream  and bluebells.
My Solicitor has been appointed and its fingers crossed for the next few weeks!